Lifestyle Care

Lifestyle Medicine is an evidence-based approach to preventing, treating, and even reversing diseases by replacing unhealthy behaviors with positive ones. Healthy lifestyle choices allow the body to protect and heal itself. Lifestyle Care aims to to treat the underlying, lifestyle-related causes of diseases, rather than just the symptoms. Learn more about the 6 Pillars of Lifestyle Care below:

Healthful Eating

Hippocrates once said "Let food be thy medicine, and let medicine be thy food." By eating primarily whole, plant based foods that are rich in nutrients and fiber - such as vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts and seeds - you give your body what it needs to function optimally, and return to a state of health and wellbeing.

Physical Activity

Regular and consistent physical activity that can be maintained on a daily basis throughout life is an essential piece of the optimal health equation.

Healthy Sleep Habits

Lack of, or poor-quality sleep can lead to a strained immune system. There are several dietary, environmental, and behavioral interventions that can help you improve your sleep health, and overall health.

Stress Management

Stress can lead to improved health and productivity - or it can lead to anxiety, depression, immune system dysfunction, poor weight management, and more. We can help you recognize negative stress responses, identify helpful coping mechanisms and reduction techniques to improve your mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.

Avoid Risky Substances

The well-documented dangers of any addictive substance use can increase the risk for many cancers, heart disease, and other harmful diseases. We can help you adopt positive behaviors that improve health, including tobacco cessation and exploring the effects of alcohol use on your health.

Connection and Relationships

Social connectedness is essential to emotional resiliency and long term health. Studies show that isolation is associated with increased mortality. We consider your home and community environment to help you improve your overall health.